No. 33 Lloyd I AM

Recorded on September 2022

Supporting Our Children: Navigating the Complex Journey of Raising a Child with Autism

Subheader: How a family’s experience with autism highlights the need for better societal understanding, support systems, and community acceptance.


In a heartfelt episode of “Kultura,” Lloyd Ayam from Takiwatanga shared his deeply personal journey of raising a child with autism. This discussion, filled with insights and emotions, underscored the challenges that families face when navigating the complexities of autism, from getting a diagnosis to finding appropriate support and facilities. Here, we expand on the various aspects discussed, shedding light on the critical need for societal acceptance and robust support systems.

The Initial Concerns and Diagnosis Journey

Lloyd Ayam’s story began with the initial concerns about his son’s behavior and communication skills. Autism, as Lloyd personally defined, represents significant cognitive and social challenges. One of the major hurdles was the period before diagnosis, which Lloyd described as a time filled with worry, particularly regarding communication and safety. This journey often begins with suspicions raised by general practitioners, followed by a lengthy and challenging process involving pediatric specialists.

Navigating Educational Support Systems

One pivotal topic discussed was the difficulty in securing appropriate educational support. After a diagnosis, families often grapple with complicated systems to obtain necessary resources like speech therapy and behavioral support. Lloyd mentioned the Ministry of Education approving emergency funding for teacher aide support, yet voiced confusion about differing assessments and occasional funding rejections. This inconsistency within the system adds to the emotional and logistical challenges parents already face.

Speaker B acknowledged these systemic difficulties, highlighting that navigating the support landscape can be especially tough for migrants and others who might lack resources or advocacy skills. Lloyd shared how these challenges were compounded by the need to find a mainstream school close to home, emphasizing the feelings and needs of his other two children.

Balancing the Needs of the Entire Family

The conversation delved into the importance of considering the entire family’s needs. Lloyd’s decision to choose a nearby school over a specialized one was influenced by the necessity to balance his autistic child’s needs with those of his other children. He expressed concern about how this might affect their emotions, particularly in terms of jealousy and understanding. Lloyd and his wife strive to forge an environment where all their children feel valued and supported.

Optimism for Future Support and Government Initiatives

Despite the existing challenges, Lloyd expressed cautious optimism about new government initiatives aimed at improving support for children with disabilities. The introduction of a ministry for the disabled and conversations with the Minister showed promise for better collaboration and comprehensive support from various government sectors. However, Lloyd highlighted the inadequacy and inequitability of current support systems compared to what his son truly needs.

The Value of Community and Acceptance

A recurring theme was the invaluable support from the community and finding acceptance. Lloyd highlighted the importance for parents of autistic children to find a network of understanding individuals. Engaging with these supportive communities not only provides emotional relief but also practical advice and solidarity in advocacy efforts. Reflecting on his experiences, Lloyd emphasized patience, openness, and the need to understand unique abilities as essential steps for parents.

Practical Advice for Parents

Lloyd’s advice for other parents was to seek help and embrace acceptance. He detailed the importance of forming networks with medical professionals, other parents, and support groups. In particular, Lloyd found solace and knowledge in joining support groups, including those specific to the Filipino community. He stressed the need for parents to explore various strategies—like horse therapy—and find joy in the journey, celebrating their child’s unique milestones and strengths.

The Future and Advocacy

The episode concluded with a poignant reminder that persistent advocacy is vital. Lloyd discussed his hope for a revamped support system that not only addresses fundamental needs but also recognizes children with autism as individuals with feelings and potentials. The long-term goal of seeing more disabled individuals in leadership roles was touched upon, with Lloyd and Speaker B citing examples of successful individuals with autism such as Albert Einstein and Steve Jobs.


Lloyd’s journey, shared on “Kultura,” serves as a powerful reminder of the need for society to enhance understanding, support systems, and acceptance for children with autism. Through collaborative efforts, informed policies, and compassionate communities, we can hope to create a world where every child, regardless of their abilities, receives the respect, support, and opportunities they deserve.

And we’re going to broadcast this interview live as well at Hutt City FM 106.7 on Monday, the 12 of September from 7 PM to 8:30 PM. Thank you. Again, this is Jesil, and again, I’m with Lloyd. Thank you.


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I Am Hades X

Takiwātanga Advocate and Proud dad

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